Platform and Filmverkstaden collaborated in organizing an end of the year event at the old soapfactory in Palosaari. The night was full packed with great music, visuals and screenings by Filmverkstaden. The event was also a celebration for the old factory, as it will be demolished in the near future.
Pekko Käppi is a Finnish neo-folk music composer, singer and a player of Jouhikko, the ancient Finnish-Karelian bowed lyre. He incorporates elements from blues and rock and experimental archaic chaos. His music has been described as ‘swaying between the foul and lovely dirty and pure.
As a singer and a researcher he is well-versed in the Finnish runo-singing tradition among the older layers of Finnish folk songs. His debut album “Jos ken pahoin uneksii” was released in 2007 and nominated for the Finnish ethno-grammy award. The second full-lenght album “Vuonna ’86” was released in February 2010 and received the Folk Music Album of the Year-award in Finland. Käppi has a strong ethnomusical approach in his work, but has worked with various artists across the differenet genres of music around the world.
Käppi’s latest solo album was released in March 2013 and has gotten ecstatic reviews in Finnish media. Lately Käppi has been touring with his new band Pekko Käppi & K:H:H:L:, which released its praised debut album Sanguis Meus, Mama! in 2015.

Tomutonttu is a creature who looks after all the dust. Jan Anderzen is a Tampere based artist who rearranges images and sounds and makes the music of Tomutonttu audible. Read streams, mutilated voices, groovy animal noises and records other people have made are some of the ingredients Anderzen uses to mold his ecstatic music. Someone described it like this: a confusing close-up of music, a microcosmos of strange sound events and dirt flying around in stereo space, interacting with a logic all of their own. Jan Anderzen is also the leader of the band Kemialliset Ystävät and one of the most recognized Finnish experimental music makers. He’s actively performing around the world and his discography is a labyrinth reflecting the nature of his art.
Soundi Mozard & The Bodybuilderz: “Bye bye baby bye bye” from Sweden perform live video- and sound-poems.