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Tag: Artist in Residence

Nina Svensson – How many hectares do you have?


How many hectares do you have? A study in future forestry and ownership relations.


What if people from Timrå were given three hectares of forest. They could plant, take care, thin and fell the trees to get timber for more art halls. Everyone would be able to build their own institution. Plans are already made to be ordered, no building permissions are needed and the timber will be free. How many 25 ²m art halls may be built of 3 hectares of forest and when can the first one be built? Will the people of Timrå grow Christmas Trees for faster profits and instead buy the wood needed for the project? Or will they make an effort and grow wholesome and safe pine for maximum return on investment, around the year 2095.

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Roland Farkas – Refugees welcome

Roland Farkas’s project ‘Refugees Welcome’ realized at the Platform’s Artist in Residence program deals with the vicissitudes of refugees arriving to Europe. Their welcome differs in each country of the European Union – from barbed wires to arrests, from heartily welcome through indifference to hostility, from refugee camps to integration language courses. The project points out the anomalies of the system, explores the phenomena of migration and the utopian aspects of integration.

Roland Farkas (b. 1975, Slovakia) studied at the Intermedia Department of Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts. He is interested in the effect of cultural specificities on human values in a broader sense. The primary subject of his work is the critical discussion of artistic, social and economic phenomena as well as the network of relationships between these phenomena and the processes of transformation, disappearance and entropy. He lives and works in Budapest, Hungary.

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Janks Archive

JANKS ARCHIVE (a project by NYC-based artists Ben Kinsley, Jessica Langley, and Jerstin Crosby) is an ongoing investigation and collection of insult humor from around the world. Since 2012 they have taken this project to cities such as Philadelphia, Mexico City, Berlin, Belfast, Riga, and Kaunas. In each place they visit, they talk to residents and learn about local versions of these types of insulting jokes. They record people telling their jokes, which are put into a worldwide video archive, as well as represented in art installations, publications, and screenings.

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Residency Program


Dear artists of the universe, it’s now possible to apply for a Platform residency. The deadline is 6th of February 2015. Read more here.

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Artist Talk Scheibe & Güntzel


torstai 22.8. klo 16.30
Loftet (Raastuvankatu 28, Vaasa)

Platformin residenssitaiteilijat Swaantje Güntzel ja Jan Philip Scheibe (GER) kertovat meneillään olevasta projektistaan SÄILÖTTYÄ (Preserved), jossa analysoidaan vaasalaisten suhdetta ympäröivään luontoonsa. Taiteilijat haluavat selvittää miten Pohjanmaan luonto on tarjonnut ravintoa asukkailleen vuosisatojen saatossa sekä miten tietoisuus paikallisten ruoka-aineiden keräämisestä, valmistamisesta ja säilömisestä on siirtynyt sukupolvelta toiselle. Tule jakamaan kokemuksiasi ja muistojasi aiheesta taiteilijoiden kanssa.

torsdag 22.8 kl 16.30,
Loftet (Rådhusgatan 28, Vasa)

Platforms aktuella residenskonstnärer Swaantje Güntzel och Jan Philip Scheibe (GER) kommer att berätta hur de genom sitt samtidskonstprojekt BEVARAD (Preserved) analyserar det förhållande som människorna i Vasa skapar med sin näromgivning. De vill ta reda på hur den österbottniska naturen har närt människor under århundraden och hurudan kollektiv kunskap generation efter generation har samlat in och fört över till varandra om att samla, bevara, laga mat och ta vara på lokala råvaror. Kom med och dela din kunskap och dina minnen av upplevelser i naturen med dem.

Thursday 22.8. at 16.30
Loftet (Raastuvankatu 28, Vaasa)

The current artists in residence of Platform Swaantje Güntzel and Jan Philip Scheibe (GER) will talk about their project PRESERVED analyzing the relationship of the people of Vaasa with their surrounding environment. They want to find out in which way the Ostrobothnian nature has nourished people over the centuries and what collective knowledge how to collect, cook and preserve local food has been passed from generation to generation. Share your knowledge and memories of your experience with nature with them.

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