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The project “Forgo” focuses on people who, for one reason or another, have chosen to or been forced to forgo something.

The project is a collaboration between artists Brynhild Bye (NO), current artist-in-residence at Platform and Maria Nordbäck (FI). Together they will arrange several sewing and embroidery workshops in cooperation with local women’s groups in Vaasa, Finland and Trondheim, Norway. The collaboration will lead to two exhibition works; a tapestry of embroideries assembled into one blanket and a documentary photographic work of selected individuals.

The project is based on social engagement and art’s ability to help in identifying opinions and attitudes. The work will be exhibited in the exhibition “To have – To own” at KUNTSI Museum of Modern Art in Vaasa December 2011.

The first open sewing circle will start monday 12.09.2011 at 7 pm at Platform Studio, Korsholmsesplanaden 6–8, Kasern 14

We are also looking for individuals or already existing sewing circles to participate in our project.

If you are Interested contact us. Send an email to:

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